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GuppY is a small web portal, meant to be easy to use for the end user that you are, and which does not require a database to run.

This architecture allows then to install it on almost all Internet web sites hosters (or almost all of them), the only preriquisite being that your hoster has to provide the PHP scripting language facility.

You don't need to know HTML, the MySQL database administration or PHP, GuppY offers a full and secured administration interface to manage the look & feel of your web site as well as the content of the different headings of your site.GuppY offers the standard functionalities of a web portal :

- multi administration
- members area
- blog
- news
- papers
- links
- donwloads
- photos displaying
- guestbook
- forum
- poll
- visits counter
- clics counter, downloads counter
- newsletter
- admin area
- etc...

Furthermore, GuppY provides a very ORIGINAL management of high added value: in addition to be natively MULTILINGUAL, GuppY offers the possibility of a BILINGUAL showing of the content, with the choice of the 2 showed languages.

Creation date : 06/12/2004 • 04:00
Last update : 09/05/2008 • 05:47
Category : Introduction - Cours and Method
Page read 27359 times

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