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active  Topic # 2  Qui d'entre vous à déjà entendu parler d'Atlantide?

26/05/2010 • 18:20
by dnarroc


1 message

Bonjour à Tous,

Dernièrement j'ai lu un article sur l'âge d'Or d'Atlantide, il y a environ 12000 ans de cela, comme quoi ils étaient capables avec leur technologie et leur spiritualité de pouvoir matérialiser avec leur esprit des objets grâce à la puissance de la lumière divine et d'immenses cristaux qui se mettaient en résonnance. Aujourd'hui on entend parler de la loi d'attraction et toutes ses manifestations, mais demain çà sera peut-être à nous d'entrer dans ce nouvel âge d'or pour le bien de tous, l'âge spirituel lié avec le tout. Qu'en pensez-vous? Laissez vos discutions et commentaires. n

Jo Dnarroc

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Jo Dnarroc Affiliation au Club Axion

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Answer n° 31
25/05/2012 • 11:38
by behXkkTw


Dear Kate lister:This is my socned writing to ask you to take off this page on which you make defamatory remarks and write wrong things about my website. As I mentioned in my first post yesterday (in case you deleted it without even reading it), I do not understand why you are personally attacking my website by saying my website is teeming up with work-at-home parasites. It's clear that you do not understand the concept behind my website or other similar ones. I simply narrowed down the list of thousands of work-from-home jobs that are found on Yahoo and Google and posted the links to the ones that I thought were better than others on my website so that people don't have waste their time by looking through thousands of them. If my website is a scam as you made an accusation in your post just because I posted links on my website then you also need to tell the world that Yahoo and Google and all other search engines are teeming up with work-from-home parasites because they too have links to even worst and real work-from-home scam websites. It's obvious that you try to thrive by making malicious remarks and wrongful accusations about my website. If you read terms of use more carefully my website is not in association with any of the websites. I just made my website to help others make easier and better choices if they are looking for work from home type of jobs. I never made a claim that any one will make a living doing surveys or this type of work, but here YOU made a wrong accusation about my website that I did. If any one of the links to other websites are not what they claim to be then I'll be more than happy to get that link off. And as you already know after checking out my website most of them are legit real websites with many satisfied customers that are what they claim to be. You don't need to be and act like a spiteful person making wrongful malicious defamatory remarks about my website in order to succeed and attract readers. If you are unhappy about my initial posting in your blog you could have simply rejected my posting instead of making a wrongful accusation and blowing a small glitch out of proportion and attack my website maliciously and viciously. If you do not correct your post or take it down I'll make a formal complaint against your website and you for wrongful accusation and defamatory remarks regarding my website to the FCC. Thank you.
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Answer n° 32
25/05/2012 • 12:17


La dernie8re lettre d'Osons avncae comme souvent (pour ne pas dire toujours) des propositions dignes d'inte9reat mais avec une certaine malhonneatete9 intellectuelle, car jamais n'apparaissent les contraintes qui limitent pour beaucoup les choix de l'e9quipe municipale actuelle : d'une part, une ne9cessite9 d'augmenter significativement le % de logements sociaux ( de 12 e0 20%), et conduit la municipalite9 e0 vouloir e9quilibrer cette augmentation par des logements non sociaux , ce qui porterait globalement la population e0 environ 1500 personnes de plus ; d'autre part, le fait que la municipalite9 ne soit pas proprie9taire des terrains de Villevert ( pas plus que des immeuble de la Princesse d'ailleurs), contrairement aux terrains des Plains champs, re9duit se9rieusement la marge de manoeuvre. Mais il est vrai que sur le the8me Villevert Osons a une position simpliste et se9gre9gationniste en pre9fe9rant cre9er un ghetto social e0 Villevert, ce qui aurait l'inconve9nient, outre de couper les habitants de Louveciennes en deux, de cre9er ne9anmoins des contraintes supple9mentaires pour le budget de la commune (transports, e9coles ) sans apports pour les commere7ants de la commune, vu la proximite9 de Parly II.En revanche, je souscris aux critiques concernant la locomotive commerciale du centre village. L'ide9e de re9animer l'activite9 commerciale de la place de l'Eglise est une fausse bonne ide9e, car si Louveciennes a besoin d'un deuxie8me pf4le commercial ( celui des Clos est quasi monopolistique avec les inconve9nients correspondants en matie8re de prix), ce n'est pas en le situant au centre village, e9troit et de9je0 bien charge9 que l'on trouvera la solution. Cela cre9era plutf4t une surcharge supple9mentaire. Le cre9er aux Plains Champs aurait un double avantage: donner des e9quipements pour ce nouveau quartier et de9concentrer le centre village.Les commerces actuels du Centre village ont toute leur valeur pour les habitants proches (qui devraient d'ailleurs augmenter en nombre), mais l'animation du centre village devrait plutf4t se de9velopper vers le culturel et la restauration.
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Answer n° 33
25/05/2012 • 12:27
by sNmdexZrnBXeHTc


Did some more research, re-read our post and your cnomemts as promised.We'll accept your claim that you aren't intentionally trying to scam anyone, Tony. And you're right, you don't claim anyone can make a living doing surveys. Indeed, you make it clear that it you do it just for fun to make a little pocket money. So we owe you an apology for indicating otherwise. We'll add an update to the post itself saying as much.That said, we still feel that many, if not most, of the sites you recommend are not legitimate money-making opportunities, and many really are scams. That's not a surprise unless you're very, very careful selecting them. Our own and other studies have shown that 97% of the work-at-home listings on the web are rip-offs.Looking at just the first few of your listings under Data Entry, we find Axion, but (as we said in the original post) they don't hire people through web ads. So that's not a scam, per se; but it certainly isn't a job opportunity.You agreed with us that Connect-plus is not legitimate. As of this writing you haven't removed them although you said you would, but we'll just assume that's an oversight and you'll correct it.Then there's Cyber Services, Inc . . . but that link doesn't go anywhere. Maybe the site is just off the air? Anyway, no jobs there.Next you list eCallogy, but if you go to their site you'll find you have to pay $20 an hour for product training, and they offer no call center or operator training. All the good call-service companies we know and we've interviewed honchos at several for our forthcoming book all pay you for product training.So, while we applaud your effort to make finding work home from jobs easier to find, it looks to us like you have some work to do! If there's any way we can help, let us know.
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Answer n° 34
25/05/2012 • 13:13
by EdMkUyZIl


Merci pour toutes les references Le point de vue de Keith est interessant, mais je pense que ietrnactivite est bien plus large que prendre une suggestion .Prendre une suggestion, c'est dire au public soyez interessants . Nous mettons des anne9es e0 tendre vers la spontane9ite9. Le public qui n'a aucun entraeenement crie donc une idee loin d'eatre spontanee, qui obtient un rire, ce qui fait qu'on se retrouve avec tracto-pelle, ornithorynque, etc.Il existe des tas de moyens de ne pas prendre une suggestion mais de faire participer le public quand meame.* Lui proposer des choix* Le faire monter sur sce8ne (j'aime particulierement le jeu of on realise le reve de quelqu'un)* Lui donner le pouvoir de changer quelque chose (un peu et la maniere du lifegame, on peut imaginer que sur un coup de sonnette il puisse changer les conditions me9te9os de la scene ?)De plus, il faut amener le public à cooperer Si on attire l'attention sur le fait qu'on est trop fort parce qu'on peut improviser sur n'importe quoi, il est probable que le public essaye de nous mettre en difficulte. Mais on peut aussi tenter de le faire coope9rer joyeusement. Je ne sais pas comment atteindre et encore, mais je suis persuade que c'est possible !
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Answer n° 35
25/05/2012 • 16:30
by lAowSBqnDePuewhe


Thanks for being on point and on taergt!
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Answer n° 37
25/05/2012 • 22:38
by UaVLfpKrikWJcajrywL


Hi there! I just would like to give an enormous thmubs up for the good data you may have right here on this post. I will be coming again to your blog for more soon.
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Answer n° 37
26/05/2012 • 01:13
by hnTRbOvIrwnGvGRusEJ


because this box has made it a television! I'm using mine with a small 16 Sharp LCD that alywas had a great picture but has been packed away in a closet for years. With the signal having fewer pixels to spread out on, the picture from this tuner is suprisingly good. I have cable coax going in and then VGA out and into the LCD. I don't have it connected to computer. No more computer TV tuner cards for me! This little thing does it better!Some have said it's hard to keep the unit in place on the desktop due to it's lightness and cables pulling it around on the small stand. True. Best solution is to lay the unit flat which allows you to flatten the cables out a bit and position the unit firmly. Looking at where the heat vents are on the unit, it appears laying it flat might also be better for it. The little board in there does get hot and heat rises. Overall this is one of the best electronic buys I've made in years. I now have a cool new LCD TV for a very small cost.
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Answer n° 38
26/05/2012 • 02:55
by nLWEKBTGOmfrFjm


***""THIS IS NOT THE PRODUCT FAIR""*** The tuner arrived quclkiy and securely wrapped. It was easy to set up and product produced an excellent picture thru cable tv to an older Dell computer monitor, but would not produce adequate sound with the auxillary speakers, could barely hear it. The speakers worked very well with an older tv, and portable radio, so it appeared that the tuner was defective. I notified the vendor. Vendor said to return and a new working item would be sent to me. I returned the product with a tracking #, but considerable time went by and I did not receive the replacement or communication. I contacted the vendor and vendor said ASAP. I told the vendor that it takes about 5 minutes to set up and test the returned unit and he was failing to communicate with me other than his ASAP message, so I asked for a refund, of which he complied, and I told him that it was disappointing that I could not acquire a product that was totally functional. I was not reimbursed for the postage to return the defective product. So live and learn.
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Answer n° 39
26/05/2012 • 05:37


***""THIS IS NOT THE PRODUCT FAIR""*** Oil&Energy Club:-Contact your travel maganer and have them approve your membership.-Then register online here.-Lufthansa will check the registration with your travel maganer.
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Answer n° 40
28/05/2012 • 02:26
by VlmNQMcTtdOERuzLSa


23bI've really notcied that fixing credit activity needs to be conducted with tactics. If not, chances are you'll find yourself destroying your rating. In order to succeed in fixing your credit score you have to make sure that from this moment you pay your complete monthly fees promptly prior to their slated date. It is significant simply because by definitely not accomplishing so, all other actions that you will decide to use to improve your credit positioning will not be efficient. Thanks for giving your concepts.
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